Bio identical Hormone therapy Ankeny, IA

Overview of Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. As we age, our hormone levels decline causing various symptoms and health issues. Replacing these declining hormones with bioidentical versions can provide immense health and wellness benefits.

At Renewal Hormone Clinic in Ankeny, we specialize in customized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). BHRT uses plant-based hormones that are molecularly similar to endogenous human hormones. This allows the bioidentical hormones to bind to hormone receptors and mimic the action of naturally produced hormones.

Why Choose Bioidentical Over Synthetic Hormones

Synthetic hormones are chemically altered in a lab to create a hormone-like substance. However, the molecular structure is different from human hormones which can lead to increased side effects.

Bioidentical hormones match human hormones exactly providing perfect fit and function. BHRT formulations can be customized to each patient’s needs providing optimal balance for improved health.

Our services

How Bioidentical Hormones Are Administered

There are several methods available for administering bioidentical hormones:

Our experienced practitioners will determine the optimal delivery method for your customized treatment plan.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Candidates

Hormonal imbalance can occur at any age for men and women. By replacing deficient hormones, many age-related symptoms and diseases can be prevented or significantly improved.

Ideal candidates for BHRT include:

Bioidentical hormones can provide transformative restoration of health, wellbeing, and quality of life when prescribed properly and monitored regularly by an experienced hormone specialist.

Improve your health and vitality with BHRT.

Conditions Improved with Bioidentical HRT

Balancing deficient sex and adrenal hormones with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can prevent or improve numerous health conditions including:

Menopausal Symptoms

- Hot flashes - Night sweats - Vaginal dryness - Loss of libido - Emotional changes - Sleep disruption - Weight gain - Brain fog

Andropausal Symptoms

- Depression - Fatigue - Loss of muscle mass Erectile dysfunction - Loss of motivation - Difficulty concentrating - Increased body fat

Other Benefits

- Heart health - Bone health - Skin health Cognitive function Energy levels - Joint pain relief Sex drive and sexual function - Bladder control - Eye health

Hormonal decline affects every body system. BHRT optimizes hormones for whole body health.

Diagnosing Hormone Deficiencies

The first step in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is diagnosing any hormonal deficiencies through testing key hormones using blood, saliva, or urine samples.

Common hormone levels tested prior to therapy:

Sex hormones:

Adrenal hormones:

Thyroid hormones:

Diagnostic hormone testing reveals specific hormone imbalances to precisely tailor your individualized BHRT treatment.

Interesting fact

While synthetic hormones like those in birth control pills carry some health risks, bioidentical hormones that closely match human hormones may provide more benefits and fewer side effects. However, more research is still needed to fully understand the long-term safety and efficacy of bioidentical hormone therapy.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Treatment Process

The bioidentical hormone therapy process involves:

  1. Initial consultation - Review health history, symptoms, and goals to determine need for testing
  2. Diagnostic testing - Blood, saliva, or urine testing to uncover hormonal imbalances
  3. Follow-up appointment - Test analysis, customized treatment plan with bioidentical hormones, nutrition and lifestyle recommendations
  4. Hormone administration training - Education on proper administration method - injections, pellets, or compounded formulations
  5. Follow-up assessments - Monitoring symptoms, adjusting doses, repeating labs to achieve optimal hormone balance

We develop customized bioidentical hormone and adrenal fatigue treatment plans tailored to your unique physiology, health status, lifestyle, and goals.

Follow a Collaborative Approach

Hormone balance is complex. We collaborate with specialized compounding pharmacists and eastern medicine practitioners to provide integrated care plans incorporating bioidentical hormones, nutrition, nutraceuticals, and acupuncture as needed.

Take control of your health with BHRT!

Types of Bioidentical Hormones

There are thousands of hormones in the human body. The main sex and adrenal hormones replaced in bioidentical hormone therapy include:


Estradiol - Most potent estrogen relieves hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness

Estrone - Weaker estrogen post-menopause

Estriol - Protective estrogen safeguards against breast cancer

Estrogen combinations - Blended based on lab testing to balance ratios


Progesterone - Regulates menstrual cycles, normalizes sleep, improves mood, restores libido, enhances brain function


Testosterone - Essential for male traits, impacts sexual function, energy, strength, muscle mass, motivation

DHEA - Hormone precursor bolsters immune function and collagen production


Cortisol - Vital for the body's response to stress and regulation of immune function


T3/T4 - Regulate metabolism impacting weight, body temperature, heart rate

We prescribe high quality pharmaceutical-grade hormones in convenient transdermal creams, troches, sublingual drops, injectable solutions, or sustained-release pellets.

Compounded Bioidentical Hormones from AnazaoHealth

Renewal Hormone Clinic partners with the innovative compounding pharmacy AnazaoHealth to provide patients with customized compounded bioidentical hormones and adrenal support tailored to individual needs.

Why Choose Compounded Hormones?

Compounded BHRT provides precision dosing so practitioners prescribe the exact amount of each hormone your body needs.

High Standards of Quality

All AnazaoHealth formulations adhere to strict quality standards including:

Patients Receive One-on-One Care

Customized compounded bioidentical hormones allow patients to receive personalized care focused on their unique needs. Convenient delivery methods make dosing easy so you simply feel better.

The Benefits of Renewal Hormone Clinic

Renewal Hormone Clinic provides comprehensive bioidentical hormone replacement therapy tailored specifically to your needs with:

► Bioidentical hormone experts - Our nurses and doctors focus exclusively on bioidentical hormone therapy

► Advanced diagnostics - We utilize advanced hormone tests to uncover the root causes of symptoms

► Precision dosing methods - Medications dispensed in precise doses to avoid under or over treatment

► Follow-up assessments - Repeat testing ensures hormones remain balanced long-term

► Diet and nutrition guidance - Our practitioners provide customized nutrition plans as diet potently impacts hormone health

► Lifestyle recommendations - We offer tips on managing stress, improving sleep quality, adding supplements, and increasing exercise

► High quality medications - We prescribe and dispense top tier pharmaceutical-grade bioidentical hormones

► Convenient delivery options - Medications delivered in easy creams, drops, lozenges tailored to your lifestyle

Renewal Hormone Clinic strives to provide Ankeny residents struggling with hormonal issues the safest and most effective form of treatment to restore wellbeing and vitality.

Importance of Timely Hormone Deficiency Treatment

Hormone production decline and deficiencies develop gradually over months and years. Thus, associated symptoms also emerge slowly and intensify over time.

Many people equate subtle symptoms of hormonal decline with normal aging dismissing issues like fatigue, weight gain, low sex drive, or disrupted sleep. However, ignoring hormonal imbalances allows cellular damage to accelerate degeneration.

Key reasons to address hormone deficiencies promptly:

Do Not Delay Treatment

We find patients often wait years before seeking help allowing minor hormone issues to magnify into serious diseases. Do not wait until symptoms severely impact daily function and joy.

Schedule an evaluation today at the first onset of hormonal issues. Safe effective bioidentical hormone therapy can help you regain optimal wellness at any age.

Ankeny: An Ideal Setting for Bioidentical HRT

Nestled in the heart of Iowa, Ankeny provides an optimal setting to undertake bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. As hormones are intrinsically linked with emotions, stress response, sleep patterns, and nutrition having a peaceful yet vibrant community creates conditions conducive to healing and renewal.

Enjoy Ankeny's Flourishing Culture

Ankeny's slogan "A Smart Place to Live" rings true given the balance of small town hospitality and progressive growth.

Ankeny Wellness Establishments

While undergoing treatment we suggest visiting:

► Barre 3 Studio - Low impact workouts combining ballet inspired moves with strength training and stretching

► The Spa at The LOTT - Massage, body treatments and skin care utilizing therapeutic grade organic essential botanical oils

► Indigo Chiropractic - Chiropractors assist with whole body realignment and pain relief

► Dodge Pharmacy - Carries pharmaceutical grade vitamins, minerals and supplements

Partaking in classes, massages and holistic treatments will provide ample healthy outlets to reduce stress and nourish the body while transitioning through hormone therapy.

Adding final sections with lifestyle recommendations, key terms highlights, and optimal keyword density:

To achieve optimal results from bioidentical hormone therapy, we advise patients maintain a healthy diet low in processed foods and high in organic produce. Eliminating refined sugars curtails inflammation allowing hormones to balance gently. Engaging in consistent low impact exercise oxygenates cells and supports the endocrine system. Finally, minimizing exposure to toxins present in household cleaners, cosmetics, and furniture bolsters the body's innate detoxification capacity.

When the foundations of health are reinforced through nourishing foods, movement, and environmental sanctity, hormone therapy can elevate the body to unprecedented states of equilibrium bringing renewed energy, mental clarity, and inner tranquility. We feel privileged to guide patients through this transformative process, witnessing their revitalized radiance illuminate Ankeny.

In conclusion, Renewal Hormone Clinic provides Ankeny, Iowa residents struggling with hormonal imbalances access to top tier care delivering customized bioidentical hormone replacement plans focused on prompt intervention, precision dosing, and integrative treatment modalities for optimal restoration of health and wellbeing.

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